What have I found?
The children, of one of the hostels for St. stephen's School in Loly Goon, and I decided to have an outing to a nearby forest which had been developed to attract visitors.
We set out for the forest about 10am on a Saturday morning , taking along with us, a plastic bag to collect different spieces of leaves and wild flowers in. We also had a big bottle of water, 2 apples cut up into small pieces, a few plain saltine biscuits,some raisins and 2 sweeties each, for our lunch.
We had a wonderful day out,and the children and I had learned many new words, the children English words and me the Nepali word for many of the different trees, plants and insects we had seen.
In the evening we made a collage with the leaves and flowers and Miss Susan, the teacher who ran the hostel told us the names of some of the flowers and from which tree some of the leaves had come.