To enable every child from the Hill Region, helped by the Himalayan Children Education Trust, to be able to get an education, up to the age of 12, we need to raise £3920 per annum to support 13 teachers. The teachers earn £25 per month.
Because there is very little paid work in this deprived region, the teacher is probably the only wage earner in their extended family.
Some of the children are sponsored from other sources, which enables them to pay for their education, however many of the families have very little money and are unable to pay for education for their children.
St. Joseph's, the largest of the 5 schools in this Hill Region, also takes in street, work and abandonded children from other regions in West Bengal. These children require total financial support.
I had hoped that a few of the schools in Edinburh and the Lothians would have permitted me to come and give a talk to, perhaps one class in the school, say Primary 6 or 7, and that they may
have agreed to sponsor 1 teacher for a year.
I have written to many schools and sent an information pack, however the response has been minimal. One school in Midlothian has been very supportive, for which I am very grateful.
If you visit my blog and have a contact with a school, I would very much appreciate your help in making contact with that school.
I can be contacted through my blog on the comments page.